Bad Vibes Posse, Part 2:
Dark Lords

Energy Vampires,The Dark Lords, block the Light from you.
A Dark Lord is the worst kind of Energy Vampire. It can act inside a person, place or thing and comes in all shapes and sizes: loud and aggressive, soft-spoken and shy, charming and seductive, pushy and overbearing. However, The Dark Lords, come also to quench your very Spirit, turn about your purpose, and seek to discourage, and dispel Hope! Think about it.
The Dark Lord Energy Vampires are real and they seek to Oppress. But to operate in the widest realm, they need an unsuspecting host, one who is unaware. Remember, vampire activity goes on continually, it is not just a one time thing, and has the power to drain your very life force. It's time to take stock of yourself and everything in your life and shine the Light on the following patterns of behavior:
- 1. Complainers
- 2. Chicken Little Syndrome
- 3. Blamer
- 4. Criticisizers
- 5. Accusers
- 6. The Big Bad Wolf
Turn on your High Beams when dealing with such Dark entities:
- 5. Accusers
- The Big Bad Wolf
- Nobody is promised Tomorrow not me, not you, and not the Big Bad Wolf;
- Tomorrow Is a Mystery!
- 1. Mental -learning, consciousness, psychology,thoughts.
- 2. Physical - put distance between you and these situations, no eye contact,ever.
- 3. Emotional- remain aloof, and emotionally distant from the situation or person.
- 4. Spiritual-awareness, shine GODforce Light on it, directional intent away from your mind."Cancel that negative thought!"
The Accuser is as old as the proverbial Devil, himself. The accuser will lie in wait, and pounce on you in a weak, unsuspecting moment. They try to laden you with guilt, make you defensive, or bury your spirit with twisted falsities, so that you become distracted from your true path. They have the power to quench your very spirit, if you allow it,thru lack of consciousness. Don't take the bait. Cast Light on a situation, or refuse to feed into it, by giving no response, at all. Keep far distance from this Dark Lord Energy Vampire, because it rules in the realm of Opression!
You know this legendary creature, from fairy tales in childhood. The Big Bad Wolf threatens to huff and puff and blow your house down, tomorrow! This Energy Vampire has the power to strike fear at your very existence, if you allow it, make you want to run,because they use words of doom, dread, and catastrophe to apply to your life circumstance. They can fill your day with anxiety, and cause you to waste hours in useless worry. This is a major big- time Energy Vampire Dark Lord, and it can suck out all hope, if you give it the slightest chance; it strikes Fear, which can be paralyzing. I have had The Big Bad Wolf come knocking at my door many times, threatening doom and gloom. But this Dark Lord has never frightened me because I know two very important things, which I am going to share with you, now:
If the Big Bad Wolf comes knocking at your door, and delivers the worst news possible about your tomorrow, consider this: What you do TODAY, is what determines how your tomorrow goes. If you cannot think of any dramatic words to counter the Big Bad Wolf's threats , you can always pray.
Why Worry, when you can pray!
Every time you pray, doom dissipates, into tomorrow's wispy vapor- like some mirage on a horizon, that looked like something, from afar, but when you get up close to it, it's just not there!
Remember the elements you have to work with:
These Four elements that make up your life can develop , clean up, expand and flourish and you can use them to positively banish the Bad Vibes Posse!
Remember the 7 senses you were given at birth, they are your portals.
- 1. Seeing - recognize patterns of behavior, in yourself and others.
- 2. Hearing -listen to inner warnings and get the BadVibes Posse out of earshot.
- 3. Feeling -Oppression feels heavy, in the pit of the stomach, or chest
- 4. Taste -never underestimate the power of the tongue!.
- 5.Smell - connects the memory, alerts for danger and love.
- 6. Intuition -thought sending and receiving.
- 7. Sense of: TIME; SPACE; EQUILIBRIUM; THE UNKNOWN- being in the zone.
Every individual is encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality and the practice of grateful acknowledgement of our highest actions, as original acts of our Creator. All of our senses are used for learning, receptivity,and emissions. Choose thoughts and words carefully, our very well being depends upon it!
I can and will help you develop all your living elements, and heighten all your senses, so that they work for you, and so that you can begin to thrive, in the life you choose.
Thanks for your kind attention,
- Focusing is a matter of DECISION and RELAXATION
- Like the Here-Now, Like whatever is going on right now and relaxing with whatever is happening. I will show you how to do this
- Remember, the only TIME where you can make a difference in your life is NOW!
- Stay in the 24 hr zone where we presently live.
- The past is history, the future, a mystery.