Your Natural Resources

People are also holders of their own individual natural resources

As a school child I remember doing geography projects, where it was necessary to identify the natural resources of each nation, or state. A natural resource is anything people can use which comes from nature. People do not make natural resources, because they come with the territory. They are a "given". People use natural resources, and develop them to enrich life. Examples of natural resources on the planet earth are are air, water, wood, oil, gold, solar energy, wind energy, hydro-electric energy, coal and diamonds.

Each person born is a given set of innate tools with which to navigate on the road of LIFE: Your own personal set of Natural Resources. Whereas, earth's natural resources are called renewable or non-renewable, most of what we were given is called sustainable and when it becomes renewable, we call it regenerative.

Within the sphere of our environment,saturated by media exposure, our regenerative and renewable natural resources sometimes don't get enough attention. Also, we tend to take for granted those things that are freely given to us, and not value them as much as some things which get heavily marketed as necessary and must-haves. In an effort to continually delve and bring you into the full connection with your own REALITY, I want to identify and help you explore the natural resources within you. These are those things you have when you come into the world, naked. People often say "use it or lose it" about muscles, but the same can be applied towards senses. The more you use your senses, the better you get!

A person enters the world with seven senses:

  • Seeing: We know what the word means, we know how to identify the eyes, and we associate seeing with a particular part of the body, our head. However, the act of seeing is not isolated from and is intrinsically interrelated to how we see, and what we look at. Seeing can take place from within or without. We have the capacity to observe things on many different dimensions.We can see a surface, and we have the power to see within an object or within ourselves. We have the ability to see the physical objects and also those things which have no physical body. Seeing is the natural resource. What we do to develop that resource has a lot to do with how far seeing can carry us in life, and how successful we can be in our lifetime.

  • Hearing: a double sided coin, if ever there was one: Listening one side and Sound on the other side. Sounds from within are as important as those outside our body. Some people hear voices in their head, but can you hear the still small voice in your heart? Can you hear your heart beat? Can you listen to your own breathing? Can you hear instructions, those from within and those from without? Sounds have power, within the body and without. Word Sound has Power that can reverberate throughout centuries of man's existence. Now, take Music, for example, another type of sound. It has also been called the link to Creator and the Oneness of all being. Music and sound also have the power to heal body, mind and spirit. Music has been known to take singers and listeners to a place where they will be in touch with Divinity. There have been times in the history of mankind where certain musical notes or intervals have been suppressed in and of themselves, because of the experience those notes could evoke. Could you imagine a culture wherein everyone could have profound, moving experiences by simply listening to music? Where, by this very experience, the world we learned to perceive since earliest childhood would be much broader and richer because of the experience musical notes could evoke. Another powerful aspect of sound is a Beat. A Simple or complex drum or mechanical set of orchestrated beats can directly affect brainwaves and can positively alter feelings, behaviors, even your state of being. Finally, there is the power of Voice Control . You know, it is not just an application on your favorite digital device. The human voice is a powerful, elusive force that individuals can nevertheless conquer and hone through applied effort, to influence people and events. Science fiction author, Frank Herbert explores this concept in his book Dune, but Voice Control is not just the stuff of science fiction writers. My Mom had the power to control the behavior of her children, from the other side of a room, through the use of Voice Control. The Voice, while functioning as a unique expression of oneself, is a powerful force that appears to substantively transmit meanings to others while evading any clear substance or secure meaning in itself. Its influence is very real, with the ability to strike fear, excitement, or instill calm simply by exertion.

  • Taste: Inexorably linked to the tongue, this resource is often overlooked, like it is some lesser entity, but more than one Scriptural passage warns of the dangers of the tongue. Such a small part of the body, and yet it is labeled as the most dangerous member! Life and Death is in the power of the tongue.It can indeed be a weapon of mass destruction as well as an agent to heal. Now, the taste buds can connect to memory,as well, but actually are the most fickle part of the body, because they can be realigned every 21 days. Few things about you can change quicker, outside of changing your mind, suddenly.Then, we also need to consider when we displaygood taste orbadtaste when it comes to displaying destructive actions towards ourselves and others.

  • Smell:Smell is connected to Memory, as well as the nose, and the taste buds. Everything you ever saw, smelt, felt or experienced is stored in your memory banks. Smell can alert you to danger or Love. Smell is directly connected to the emotional part of the brain, bypassing rationality, altogether.

  • Feel: The skin, the hands, the touch, inside and out. Feelings are so important to us all because we are Sentient Beings. We actually need to be touched to live! Touch is so important, an infant will die if nobody touches it, so hospitals engage workers to do nothing but pick up babies, and hold them for a while, each day. The skin is the largest organ, and it needs to be touched. You can reach out , and not only touch a another body , but a mind and heart, as well, and that can be forever. The hands are instrumental with the sense of Feeling. In a higher vibration they are used to do more than reaching out, lifting and pointing. You can use your hands to repel, to heal, to touch without actually making physical contact.

  • Telepathy- Send thoughts, receive thoughts. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing it when it occurs.Ever felt a foreboding, or an uneasy feeling, or a tingling excitement, about something quite intangible at the moment? Get in the habit of recognizing and acknowledging when you are sending or receiving. Governments spend a lot of money using the media, dissuading you of using this sense, all the while spending a lot of money trying to develop its potential for their own purposes. The spiritual connection is apparent, as well, and it is a powerful invasion tool for entities and forces within and beyond your physical realm. You are affected by it whether or not you acknowledge it. It has been said (probably by the Thought Experts, who are some outside forerunning division of the Thought Police, I guess) that the human mind sends over 65,000 thoughts in any given day, and 80% of them are negative.

  • Time/Space/Equilibrium/TheUnknown:
  • Being aware is what this is all about, on the most elementary of levels. Ever meet people who are labeled has-beens? These people have somehow lost touch with their sense of Time and don't spend much of their time in the NOW! Time and Timing are interrelated. Although Timing and position are two of the most important things about LIFE, Timing is the one related to the innate sense, we are born with.Time is also a concept : it embraces the free will that the Creator uses to grant mercy, between the time one commits wrongdoing and the time one realizes and atones for the wrongdoing.

    • Space is a physical thing, though an intangible. It encompasses the body and its relationship to phenomema, but it also has a lot to do with where your head is at. Consider, we are all Space Cadets because our heads are surrounded by SPACE. More importantly, maintaining your personal space between you and the rest of the universe define safety zones .

    • Equilibrium is a stable condition in which forces cancel one another and a feeling of mental balance and composure prevail. It is also the knowledge of the six dimensions, not just the three, and how they affect you at any given moment. There is the front and back, up and down, the top and bottom. That is where you sit or stand (or float), right now, and it's good to be aware, at all times of what surrounds you, taking nothing for granted, so you can always maintain your balance: mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

    • TheUnknown Ever met a know-it-all? Could be, that person has lost touch with their sense of TheUnknown, which is always with us. This sense can also be connected with Telepathy because it gives us the sense of the foreknowledge of TheUnknown. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons. The ability to sense something by means other than the five main senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, or hearing, and is tangent to thought sending and receiving.We perceive and understand the unseen world with this sense.Extrasensory perception (ESP), clairvoyance, premonition, intuition are synonymous with subtle perception ability. This experience of the subtle world is also known as a spiritual experienceor Insight: grasping the inner nature of things intuitively. Finally, TheUnknown is what the religions point to with their names of an absolute ... God/Allah/Buddha/Jesus/Tao... all those names try to give expression to the unknowable, unfathomable vulnerable secret which we need to become ONE with.


    Every individual is encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality and the practice of grateful acknowledgement of our highest actions, as original acts of our Creator. All of our senses are used for learning, receptivity,and emissions. Choose thoughts and words carefully, our very well being depends upon it!

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