| Rent A Virtual Office Are You Looking For A Cost Effective Alternative To The Long Lease Terms and Large Upfront Costs Typically Associated With Renting A "Conventional" Office ? If Your Answer Is "YES", Then You Have Come To The Right Place! Find Out More... Ready-To-Use Virtual Office American Post Box offers virtual office space for it’s PMB customers. Special features can include: - Web presence for your business
- Includes business address, mail & courier services, phone and fax services, answering services, web hosting services, and meeting & conference facilities.
- A virtual office allows you to list your mailing address with a suite number, as opposed to just a PMB number.
If this is the service you are looking for, please contact us, ask for KAT. We can also set up your toll free voice mail, print your business cards with your new address | The office at 815 N. La Brea presently has a vacancy: OFFICE SUITE FOR LEASE If you wish to apply please email us, or call to set up an appointment to view the Suite $325.00 per month paid quarterly, in advance. - Some utilities included.
- Minimum Lease: 1 year.
- Private/Separate Entrance
- Your Mailing address becomes Suite Number, instead of PMBox number.
- Receive letters and correspondence from any carrier including UPS, Airborne, FedEx, DHL, any walk -in, or other courier service, in your mailbox.
- Forward Mail or Parcels anywhere!
Meet Clients in the business environment of our office. Rent A Desk! - Get Voicemail, Email, Faxes and YOUR OWN TOLL-FREE NUMBER!
- Get your UPS, FEDEX Parcels here!
- Use our Toll-Free # 1-866-220-5334 to receive Faxes
- Call Us For More Details: 1-310-674-4205
| Make Payment ONLINE!
SuperFoods for RADIATION Detox click here Serving the Private Mailbox Community since 1979 |