My Kitchen Has the Best Food In Town!
posted by KatGrafix on tuesday, oct 4, 2011
Secret Ingredients
SuperFoods, that heal the body, tasty , too!
�© 2011

Well, I've been all around the world , tasting food...
Los Angeles, alone has over 3,000 restaurants
Not that I've eaten at all of them, not that I did not try to eat at all of them....
But they all eventually took me back to my own kitchen, wanting what I could not get from them, on a consistent basis- never ending QUALITY food, whenver I wanted to eat!
Know for certain, You are reading the words of a picky eater!
It's got to LOOK right, SMELL right, FEEL right,be PRESENTED right, be the right temperature, right texture, right color, right combination, and the atmosphere surrounding the food better be right, too!
Where is a better place to control all these elements than in your own kitchen? ahhhh... location, location.... When your kids can remember that dish you cooked last month, when people break out singing to see you preparing a meal, when everybody just hangs near by because you are in the kitchen , YOU KNOW YOU GOT IT ALL GOING ON, and Your Place is the Best Location In Town to eat!
But Alas! I work in an office on the other side of town, 6 days a week! And I hate (most) left-overs! ( picky eater, remember?)
You've probably guessed, I've given this a lot of thought. Well, I finally figured it out: How to eat excellent food, all the time, and have it fresh, everytime. And most important, I'm going to tell you how to do it , too!...
- A HAPPY COOK Be happy and want to cook. You've got to love what you are doing, or at least be interested and motivated...feeding people is a very worthwhile and noble endeavor. You have no idea how much the mood of the cook affects the taste of the meal
- USE THE BEST INGREDIENTS YOU CAN FIND FOR YOUR FOOD Try Fresh, choose Organic, use Whole Foods, and what you grow is better than what you can buy in a commercial market
- CLEAN HANDS, CLEAN HEART Make sure you prepare food in a clean environment. Before you begin any food preparation, scrub down counters,chopping boards, stove, pots, utensils,wash hands and mean well for the people you cook for. Keep a nail brush in the cooking area to keep nails clean, cover or corral loose hair from flying around open food.
The OIL you use will dictate the underlying flavor of your dish, it can make a dish Fabulously Memorable or just, so so. Try your very best to get cold pressed oils that have not been heat treated. Read the label before buying. No one oil is good in every dish. For example, Native American based dishes always go with corn oil, so if you are making cornbread, Mexican food , etc, you need corn oil. Below is a short list of some of my favorite oils to have on hand:
- peanut oil
- olive oil
- coconut oil
- corn oil
sunflower oil - palm oil
- walnut, pecan or cashew oil
- Real Butter or Ghee
Raw sugar, Honey, Brown sugar, Black Strap Molasses,Powdered Sugar, Palm Sugar, Maple Syrup, Cane Syrup, Blue Agave Syrup, Date Sugar,even White Processed Granulated Sugar will do in a pinch. I know, they say that all sugars are the same, but that's NOT TRUE! Hey, we are going for FLAVOR, because that's what it's all about!
This is a WORK in Progress..... to be continued
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Good Food said:Oct 4,2011, at 6:48 pm
Billy said:june 9, 2008 at 6:48 pm
MixMaster said:feb 9, 2011 at 6:48 pm
Freddie said:june 9, 2008 at 6:48 pm
Someone left the cake out , in the rain.